Last Wednesday, October 19 mom went in to the Provo Health Department to get 4 shots, doctors orders. The shots consisted of a flu shot (as per order), a pneumonia shot, a HIB shot, and a meningitis shot. She had two sore arms because they gave her two shots in each arm.
On Thursday, I (Jade) went with my parents, grandma & grandpa Peck, my uncle Clay and aunt Teressa to Dove Creek, Colorado. If you don't know where that is at, it is 4 1/2 hours south east of Lehi (an hour past Moab). We went there to a doctor who specializes in Electromagnetic Therapy. He performed a treatment on my mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, myself, and has previously performed a treatment on my aunt and uncle. He first uses his electromagnetic therapy machine to check your feet using reflexology. Then, with the machine, he targets the areas of your body that are not functioning properly. This assists your body to heal itself.
My mom was the first one to get the treatment, then she was not feeling well so she went to the truck to lay down and rest. After everyone else was finished we went to the truck and found out my mom was not feeling well and had flu-like symptoms. She could not hardly eat anything, and her body ached all over but especially ached in her left arm. I would barely touch it and she would wince because of the pain. She did not feel well enough to drive back home, so we rented some motel rooms in Monticello to stay the night. We got up the next morning and went to another appointment for my mom to do another electromagnetic treatment. When we were finished we headed back home. It was a long drive home! Especially for mom because she was still sick.
When we finally got home Dad called Dr. Rich, the Oncologist, to explain that my mom was really sick. Dad asked him what could have caused her to be sick after the vaccinations. The doctor said getting that she was showing normal flu-like side affects after that many shots. My dad was so mad that the doctor would give her a flu shot, that would cause her to have the flu. He still says he would never get a flu shot for 1 million dollars, He absolutely hates them! Moms flu continued to get worse so they decided to go to the hospital. They found out that mom actually has Cellulitis, which is caused by a bacteria on the skin that gets inside the body (through where the shot penetrated). The doctor gave her IV fluids/antibiotics to help her recover.
After several days of feeling really sick, she is now beginning to feel better. Her last IV antibiotic was Monday but she is still taking an oral antibiotic. Mom was suppose to meet with the surgeon yesterday to do some more blood tests and determine if they could still do the surgery. Instead, she ended up calling the office yesterday (Tuesday) to cancel the surgery. She has not felt good about continuing with the surgery at this time, especially with current infection and a compromised immune system. She said "I knew that if I went to meet with the doctor, he would try to persuade me to do the surgery as scheduled. The truth is, I don't feel it is a good idea right now. When I have surgery I want to be as healthy as I can."
So until further notice Surgery has been postponed. We will continue to keep everyone updated.
Thanks for the update, our Prayers are with you all!!!